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I was served your post to this article on my twitter feed and I’m very glad I gave it a read through, I think you bring up some great points.

Just one woman’s perspective, but I think a lot of the tradwife imagery is compelling because it invokes an escape from the struggle of comparison. Like a hallmark quote “you’re the #1 mom for your children”. Retreating from a cutthroat world full of failure to one where you are inherently the best (in your limited role). My belief on why these things are always a return to some ahistorical past vs entering a post scarcity future is because the past can be your “birthright”. It’s indelibly yours, the future is another opening to failure.

I feel like trends are negative but I have no idea how to accurately assess the risks of some sort of 21st century American fascist movement going mainstream. My admittedly finance-based bubble pretty much aligns on “it’s the economy, stupid” which is maybe nerve-wracking if you think about the possibility of a multi-year economic Cold War with China. But then again, the US is absolutely a Goliath - 5/10 of the largest cloud providers, all $1 trillion+ companies ex Aramco, sphere of influence pretty much in thrall to US products and culture.

All to say, thanks for writing this article. I found it super thought provoking and I’ve subscribed to your substack. Looking forward to reading more!

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